
Create PlantUML sequence diagrams programmatically from Python.

The basic example of the PlantUML Documentation can be implemented with the following Python script:

from plantuml_sequence import Diagram

with open("my-diagram.puml", "w") as file, Diagram(file) as sequence:
        sequence.message("Alice", "Bob", "Authentication Request")
        .message("Bob", "Alice", "Authentication Response", arrow_style="-->")
        .message("Alice", "Bob", "Another authentication Request")
        .message("Alice", "Bob", "Another authentication Response", arrow_style="<--")

Its output inside my-diagram.puml is:

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: Another authentication Response


This file be compiled to an image using the plantuml command-line or a online server. See the PlantUML documentation for more details.

For more examples covering different functionality see examples.


Indices and tables#